
I agree that pregnancy or sex blackmail would be ridiculous. No, I have high hopes that Arkady will continue to impress. He is very interested in the details of Stan's feelings for Nina, and I suspect he is working on a plan to set him up.

Perhaps Philip and Elizabeth "investigated" churches early in their time in America (as they were perfecting their accents) but I'm highly confident they haven't darkened such halls since.

Nina may be the death of him, but first I strongly suspect that Arkady will execute a developing plan to "turn" him. Stan will be forced into a situation similar to where he thinks he has Nina. He will struggle and eventually either succumb or die.

Yes, Paige continues to prove to be very much her father's daughter, and her mother's daughter. Twisted together in a teenaged girl with teenaged maturity. What a strong, smart, fascinating personality that the writers are slowly revealing!

Yes, I look forward to re-watching these episodes as we gain insight into what's really going on. I am gobsmacked about Arkady's deft handling of the "walk-in" last week; we were shown just enough to question Nina's actions, yet still be completely surprised this week. And I suspect we will see the Aunt again in the

Peace. This is getting painful. Try this:

Jedi Jesse Plemons will be far more convincing slaughtering paduan Padawan younglings than Christensen ever was.

Who is more likely to know what a rhetorical question is, Piers Morgan or Chelsea Handler?

One question being more rhetorical than another is sort of like one sister being more pregnant than another.

Hey, ThisIsNotAnInternetMeme already established that I'm the rhetoricalist!

…it’s a break from the usual professional comity between fellow talk show hosts.

It's a "family values" story of a job creator and a plucky go-getting entrepreneur.

If you're lookin' rather old,
But you're feelin' kinda bold,
Then it's time to finda hooker with a heart o' gold!

Yes, you can find any proper name (and most any other word an English speaker would need to use) on Wikipedia. Quick search, copy, and paste is quicker than messing with keyboards.

D'oh! Or "Ho!"

What about Boggle? Does that count as a real game? How would it work if I played with Hodor?

Just like mom always said, zuquilk. How many points is that worth?

Could Zach Galifianakis be coerced into plugging for Gold Bond powder?

Out here in the Old West, a man gets powerful lonely for Gina Gershon.

Perhaps in the sense that TV generally is entertaining but inferior to books, which in a sense is unquestionable. But in others, books are inferior to TV. They are different media, and the comparison is rather tedious.