Ralph Cahooteepaseck

I've always just assumed Christian was Smokey's main minion. Main Minion—I suppose that should be a band name.

Does anybody else think that the whole Candidate thing has some connection to the way Buddhist monks find their leaders? I'm sure this has already been theorized before, but the more and more I think about it, it makes sense. Much like the test that Richard gave young Locke, I'm thinking Jacob knew there was a time in

Holy shit am I excited for the Richard episode. It's been a long time coming.

"God ain't got nothing to do with it"
I thought this quote by Sawyer was fairly important. I think it was basically the writers saying they're not going to explain everything away by supernatural means like BSG did. I definitely think this show at its heart is a sort of examination of questions about living in a

Wasn't Muppet Babies a veiled critique of 19th and 20th century dictators? That's what I got out of it when I was a kid.

Young Spencer Pratt has obviously been watching too much Feardotcom and/or that episode from Fringe where shit comes out of the computer and attacks you.

Yeah I'm pretty sure most altercations occur in bars. In dim lighting, with Street Fighting Man playing on the juke. Thems the facts.

Is it me, or is the girl in She's Out of My League not super hot? Hot yes, but shouldn't she be mega-hot considering that she's supposed to be a completely unattainable girl? I've only seen the commercials so maybe she's hotter than I think. Too bad I'll never see it to find out.

Remember Me looks so fucking terrible, but I was convinced it was going to make a bunch of money because millions of little girls would flock to see Pattinson in anything. For once, I'm proud of you America. Kind of. Not really I guess.

Every Breath You Bake: Sting's Guide to Pastries starring Jude Law as Sting and Brian Dennehy as himself.

There's no reason why this should be rated higher than the Galifianakis episode last weekend. No. Reason.

I know Caprica is its own show but…
tonight's episode I thought was very BSGesque. The crazy visions, "this has all happened before and it will all happen again". I'm willing to be that those visions Amanda's having end up getting her recruited into the STO/ monotheistic religion.

I went on a marathon of Sopranos DVDs about a year ago and ate nothing but Italian food pretty much the entire time. Italian sandwiches everyday for lunch, pasta for dinner. I also found myself swearing a lot more than I usually do, which also happened when I marathoned The Wire.

Is Home the X-Files episode that ends with them taking the mutant guy to a Cher concert? If it is…that's the funniest X-Files episode ever. Maybe the funniest moment in TV history.

If we're talkin zeitgeist, I'm assuming Seinfeld will be covered in the future. Perhaps The Contest?

…..not that her movies would be any good.

Basically every Kristen Wiig sketch is like that. She needs to leave the show and go do movies already.

I've never understood all the cries for more character development in 30 Rock. It's a well-oiled joke machine, and it works perfectly now that it embraces what it is. Fuck the haters.

Aren't the Taurons supposed to be Greek?

Was anybody else creeped out by that kid about to dry hump Zoebot? I'm glad Daniel walked in to stop it.