I think that's why Charlie waited until his brother started the lawnmower - so that he wouldn't hear the crying, even with super hearing.
I think that's why Charlie waited until his brother started the lawnmower - so that he wouldn't hear the crying, even with super hearing.
I'm with you. This was one of the one's where I told my wife during the commercial, 'I'm not sure I can keep going, because I don't want to see what happens. It can only be bad.' It's sort of like emotional torture porn, except I don't feel nearly as skeevy.
Meaning she is a worthy foil that is mostly used in the cheapest fashion by writers that are ill-equipped to be inserted into a pre-established mythos, but still has a glimmer of potential that makes fans sad when it is extinguished under common-place hackery? Because yeah, you're totes-my-goats.
That was awesome until the wire-fu stuff. Maybe I've just been missing the show, but I like most of the action sequences and the MacGyver'ing going on, but that mid-air pirouette made me go "Awww." Also, I didn't feel old until I did the math with the 'Hey Ya' needle drop being during Chance's assassination hey-day …
The thing is, since we all know that we can't a la carte cable since the Comedy Central subsidizes HGTV, we can all hope that all those other FX shows subsidize Terriers for at least 6 episodes on the outset, then word of mouth + DVDs + Netflix (ask for it!) get a full pick up. The television game has changed and…
I'm hoping you are proved the ultimate failed firstie, as FX will greenlight a second season and the appropriate tag line will be "13+ episodes left!!!" Then I will wish canceraids on that person. Until then, you are a 10.0 on the p4k MBDTF scale.