
I caught Vampire Weekend open for a shitty local band in Missoula, MT for $3. does that count for anything?

It wasn't my fault…
…but I'm still pissed at Mike D for getting into a bicycle accident and breaking his shoulder, therefore causing the entire "Rhyme and Reason 2000" tour to be cancelled.

I definitely had those BK dolls. Multiple sets.

Bah. Humbug.
I've gone 4 years w/o cable now, and very rarely do I miss it. DVDs and Interwebs do me just fine, thank you very much.

Aw man…
I just recently discovered the new Scott/Phillips ATM two weeks ago, after wiping any reference to "The Bens" from my memory. Sad day.

No Love
I liked this episode a lot, but I really didn't feel like I connected to the alterna-815ers. They seemed like different characters. Not the ones I've gotten to know over the last 5 years. I know things are supposed to be just a *little bit* different, but for me, it was off-putting.

I agree…
This album was weaker than Visiter. But none of their albums come anything close to their live show. I caught them last summer, and it was hands down one of the top 10 shows I've ever seen.