I just had some chips.
I just had some chips.
Dissenting Opinion
Dave Matthews was good in that episode of "House" where he plays a musical savant.
Welcome to my convenience store!
Would you like to try a cookie cookie?
Coming soon to NBC - The Office: Miami, starring David Caruso's sunglasses!
This is like Strongbad's Children's Book
No two people are NOT on fire.
Would you ask Tom Petty that?
Cranberry juice? What is it, your period?
No no no no no no no no no no no no
This is going to be just like school. I've been putting it off, reading a few pages at a time. Around May 8th or so I'll stay up all night just to finish it. Good to know I haven't gotten any better in the procrastination department.
It will be interesting to see how he incorporates Chicago into "Year One."
Incidentally, I grew up in Wichita Falls, and when I moved away people thought I had come from Kansas. So the confusion's not new. Still, I'm kind of baffled that Rabin thought Wichita Falls was the setting, but still referred to it as a Midwestern town.
Nitpicking here
The film does reference Wichita Falls (Texas), but it is set in Wichita (Kansas).
Skye = Skyy ?
My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed/dried up and bulging out my skull…
Adam Sandler
in "Big Daddy." He's basically a babysitter at the beginning and he won't even clean up after the kid pees the bed.
First time I've actually laughed out loud at something in weeks. Somebody please give Mr. Motherfucker his own column.
Who would win in a fight: Somali Pirates, Mexican Druglords, or Canadian Mounties?