I'd call Enlightened a dramedy, and Shannon's role in it is more dramatic than comedic.
I'd call Enlightened a dramedy, and Shannon's role in it is more dramatic than comedic.
Catching The Big One: A Guide to Pickup Artistry by Will Graham
Hannibal, friends are friends, not food.
Have I not said "one of us, one of us" tonight? Well: One of us! One of us!
Three out of four. The dogs were assholes.
Surprised about Molly Shannon's acting skills? You need to watch Enlightened, my friend.
Wait, wait, that's not all. He got the orphans to cry by threatening to kill their kittens. God I love Mason Verger.
Awesome. I mainly know Natali from Cube, so I'm expecting some seriously weird shit now.
It's not tonight's episode. Just something to look forward to.
Yes, should have said that this isn't tonight's episode. It's just entertainment news that I saw this morning on the Internet and felt compelled to share. Because oh my Space Jew Jesus.
That long scene with Joaquin's interview is one of the best things I've seen in years. That is all.
It has to be a dream or hallucination… right?
Minuses are fake.
I believe the phrase you were looking for is, "Awesome. Awesome to the max." /80sguy
Maybe he's secretly heterosexual and only wants people to think he's gay. I smell a sitcom!
Is your fiancé named Stan? Because that would change my interpretation of your name significantly.
I'm trying to think of a nice way to say your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. I'll get back to you.
That bit about her teeth made me sad. Leave Britney Megan alone!