the postalman

Fey feigh drunk

Joan Rivers absolutely knocked it out of the park on the Sirius Howard Stern interviews.

Tenure? Tenure? I got 15 year.

Have we ever seen Kelly Osbourne and Fat Lindsey (You're the Worst) together? Are they the same person? Versions of the same person?

An indicator in front of 'porn' let's you know which type. Useful and a timesaver

That's Dr. Banana Pants.

She's 90% artificial at this point

Joan still eats more than Juliana

Stevie don't know if he has hundreds or ones. It's just a stack to Stevie, it's just a stack

He says he wears out the crotch in sweat pants

Have we not captured enough Joan Rivers to hologram her? Best option E!

Uh huh huh huh. Firm

Why does it have to be a woman? Can't men be catty as well

You know why you can't sleep at night, well I know….you married poorly

No one watches this stupid show anyways

I'm paid to lead, not to read
