Bernice Juach

TVDW has his hands full here with reviewing this season. My initial reaction is that this is going to be like a novel that may be appreciated much more at a later time. The really strong point of season 4 is there is clearly intelligent, interconnected writing, with a lot of depth. The callbacks to prior seasons are

Right, now the rumor is The Man from U.N.C.L.E is going to be in Tom Cruise.

This one got the biggest laugh for me.

I don't think most avclub readers have seen the show you are referencing but nice try.

Move to strike!

Guys… its an Always Sunny reference. Get it!? Guys? GUYYYYYS!??!

I've tried that excuse on my english professors but it never works.

They each have two dicks?

Wow putting this back into newswire is changing the speed here.

"NOT gay sex."

So this is science fiction then?

So I think these things are actually really funny, but I'm confused by why here you are saying it's a word-for-word reenactment? I know that the youtube clip states that it is, but its not, they are writing stuff in. Example: Clinton never said "I'm a sex addict, I'm into sexual liasons."

*Reviews last 10 comments made by Caleb Greensfield*

So how long does it take to ban a user here?

I bet the interest would continue to run.

OK, keep this in mind if Zach Braff mysteriously dies from diabetes in a few months.

The painful answer is - probably more people then who are going to read serious literary fiction.

The funniest fan fiction is the stuff that comes from communities where there isn't really any fan following and the writing is then even more bizarre. I read a Might Ducks fan fiction where Charlie does a line of coke and has a gun to Gordon's head or something.

Well at least Caleb Greensfield is not in that version.

What is that?