Bernice Juach

The whole reason the sketch is funny
Macgruber is supposedly capable of disarming some bomb, has 20 seconds to do so, but gets easily distracted and the building blows up. Its simplistic, slapstick, but it works because we get it in 30 second bites.

More explanation on MJ's Dad?
I know he beat him etc, but what did he do this past week?

I thought The Corrections was significantly better.

Main character
Played by man or woman?

The ironic thing is that Obama had lots of popularity from the same notion. I guess it's just especially worrisome when the candidate so clearly has nothing else going for them.

Damn. Well, your musings here were particularly interesting to me after listening to "light bigotry" at a 4th BBQ after perhaps a few too many drinks. How you finish your writeup is especially poignant - it is difficult for me to reconcile bigotry with being a decent person, and I feel I may have lost a friend this

I didn't prompt this with my comment the other day in the DVD releases post, did I? I'm assuming it's just a coincedence - although it would be pretty cool if I prompted this

If you like someone has a politician/president/leader simply because you identify with them, you really need to reevaluate your priorities. How smart and capable the person is should be a lot more important than how much you fucking identify with them.

America will not continue to put up with this
This is really just dumb. Dumber than anything Bush ever said.

Get "balled?" who are you, Bruce Springsteen?

Steal third, then go for the suicide squeeze.

Is there nothing dumber than movie's depictions of how hard it is to stop somebody from tongue kissing you when you don't want them to? In movies, that isn't cheating, everywhere else it is.

Why this is great Hater
This is not as obvious a Hater item, but the fact that CBS appears to think that they stumbled upon some great piece of social discussion is hilarious. Nice.

I don't think I've ever taken an issue with a grade before Transformers 2. The avblog post explaining why we shouldn't care too much actually explained it pretty well - but jesus - if there was ever a litmus for what should be an F, the lowest of the low, it was Transformers 2. Not sure how it got a C -.

Please type up a transcript of this
I'll wait.

I'm pronouncing it "uh-kigh" and I dont care what anyone thinks.

Considering she personally wrote three major hits on her first album, I suspect she'll drum up more of the same and have some Christina Aguilera-like staying power.

Derpa derpa dee derpa derpa doo!

So, Nick Cannon, I have a question
Are you actively trying to make your career an absolute joke?

I'm not sure what the dumbest part of that post is, but it might be the fact that he wrote out "LITTLE WAYNE".