Do you think that Brian Austin Green makes fun of Shia, or the other way around?
Do you think that Brian Austin Green makes fun of Shia, or the other way around?
Don't worry, at least those wacky parents will be back!
See! Now that's funny.
I like it when people comment on grammatical errors on the internet.
That was a Roland Emmerich film, wasn't it?
Stick to what your good at
I enjoy The Hater, and think Amelie does a great job identifying the worst parts of pop culture and informing us in an occasionally witty way.
Not sure if anyone will read this post
I read this book, purely based on the positive? review from AVclub. I was dissatisfied with the fact that I rarely read books that aren't already classics or at least have a fair amount of praise and discussion going on regarding them. So, I took a chance on Jonathan Wray.
In your case, it does not seem like hypochondria. Hope it didn't seem like I was playing some smug doctor. In my case, I remember revealing to my shrink that occasionally I had an intense fear that I was absolutely going to spill my coffee all over myself at work and everyone would simply despise me.
You do realize that mild doses of unwanted bad thoughts are about as common as a runny nose, right? We have enough neural stuff going on to inhibit us from acting on them.
I remember being dumbfounded
I saw her on an episode of Tim & Eric and told my wife that was Amy Sedaris, being more or less 100% sure. Of course at a later point I found this not to be true.
But if we are going to get into a discussion about the quality of these films, point to me where exactly in the F&F Quadrilogy we saw anything that wasn't garbage. I'm not just talking about the the fact that critics thought they all sucked… America was enver walking around all about how great 2 Fast 2 Furious was.
His character's last case involved suing the population of the United States over not going to see some movie.
Crank 2 had large potential to be one of those breakout sequels… the first did well enough, had decent reviews. Prior to this weekend, I hadn't realized there was little advertising effort, but I had fully expected it to compete for first place with 17 Again.
I think it really is that simple, but I can't believe it really is that simple. If someone wants to make a case that we are all mindless drones, go no farther than the advertising-box office revenue correlation.
He proved he's the next Shia LeBeouf.
Yeah those 2 seconds reminded me of Grass Valley Greg's accountant.
I need some explaining
What exactly is the difference between "Fast and Furious" and "Crank 2"? Because one earned 12 fucking times what the other one did in its opening weekend. Crank 2 had significantly better reviews, to boot - not like the Fast Furious crowd gives a shit about reviews.
My wife commented that it's cool that Odenkirk is trying to get into serious roles.
No, explain. Dunder Mifflin was a paper company with a factory, trucks, etc.
Where does MSPC get their paper?
Did I miss that?