Bernice Juach

Great opening
No way anyone can be upset with 55 million.

It's 5 terms in the movie. '68, 72', 76', 80' and 84'. Current time in the movie is mid 80s, and there is reference to Hollis Mason voting for Nixon 5 times, and that Reagan might run in 1988 (the next election).

I used to have the same allegiance to Bruce Campbell and any of his programming, but that didn't work out well either. And no my life hasn't become so boring that I have any time for the mediocrity that is burn notice, despite AV Clubs pants being creamed by it.

This Castle needs a moat, because I say it doesn't last 3 weeks
The premise of 'Castle' sounds exactly like some mock premise for a show that Family Guy or the Simpsons thought up. Crazy writer meets tough-as-nails sexy female cop! They hate each other, but love each other!

I was uncomfortable with the Malin nudity/sex scene only because there were way too many 7 year-olds in the theater with their dad (actually 1 of them was a girl) to feel comfortable about watching the almost-rape scene with Silk 1 and the basically hard-core porn scene in the ship.

Do people not realize that Seth Rogen voiced himself in the episode?

I was dissapointed with this episode, and now Im quite afraid FG will go the way of the simpsons with me. Like many of you here, I haven't been able to watch the simpsons in years due to utterly consistent mediocrity and repetitiveness… FG is/has become the same thing. The really bad part is the

Noodle, I appreciate your response. Also being a fan of the graphic novel, when I see this film, I'm going to do my best not to compare it to things in the novel that simply can't ever be done on film. I remember staring into a panel for several minutes at a time (Night Owl 2 sitting next to his unused costume) and

Holy shit I just lost it at work reading that. Christ.

Put a little more thought into those random adjectives. The graphic novel was "graceful", "elegant"? It's one thing to steamroll the movie if it stinks, but another to act like the original novel was God's greatest creation.

If we are going to be fair here and measure the relevance of all tragedies that need/should be mentioned on AI, this was so off the charts unimportant that it actually annoyed me that Anoop felt the need to crowbar it in. No offense to the Carson family or others grieving, but anniversary of her death has just about

That's true. If you notice when the wildcards were selected, Anoop and Megan were practically heralded as already being in the finals.

Anoop didnt sing the same song twice in the semifinals, what he did wasn't that big a deal and has been done many times. Tatiana sang the same song twice in a row in the semis (I believe a first and only for that), which if anything iced Simon's opinion that she really might be horrible for some of the themed weeks

I had a moment last night where I said, without going into to any real detail, "I must be making more than Carly Smithson and Michael Johns, right?" Despite the exposure of all these semi-finalists, and most of the finalists, I think they continue to be failures in the industry.

Michael not understanding what a surplus is…
…wasn't funny. The show functions well when portraying Michael as a somewhat realistic dimwit, not when it overdoes it with making him look incompetent.