Six Million Dollar Man Bigfoot

IMO the most interesting thing about The Razor's Edge is it actually shares many of the same themes as Groundhog Day and at its essence is a story about the experience of gradually achieving a state of spiritual peace. GD is much more successful at achieving it because it leans on Murray's comedic talents to sell the

Roslyn is similar to Talkeetna in that it's tucked away off the major highway and not on the way to anywhere except deeper into the mountains, so it's not the kind of place you end up in unless you intend to. It also doesn't seem to do much of anything to promote the Northern Exposure link, although it did to some

Are you saying this isn't really a problem because the statistic hasn't been defined precisely enough for your satisfaction? It's good we have warriors like you battling the misinformation being peddled by Big Hunger.

Hogwash. I dare you to say that to Karl Hungus' face.
Plus, the ultra-annoying kid on Walking Dead is a Carl-with-a-C. F* that kid.

Agreed on Ladyhawke - it's possible to block out most of the annoying Broderickness, but the insanely cheesy and inappropriate synth soundtrack almost destroys it. Other than that, it's quite good. A re-release with nothing more than a substitute orchestral soundtrack would instantly transform it into a minor classic

Agreed on Ladyhawke - it's possible to block out most of the annoying Broderickness, but the insanely cheesy and inappropriate synth soundtrack almost destroys it. Other than that, it's quite good. A re-release with nothing more than a substitute orchestral soundtrack would instantly transform it into a minor classic

How can you forget Frances Conroy? Her scenes with Jessica Lange are one of the best things on the show.

Thirded. I've played it off-and-on for about 3 years and it is the closest anyone's going to get to recreating the world of the books in game form. Based on a few videos & screencaps of this new game, it borrows quite a bit of look and feel from LOTRO but with greatly diminished gameplay.

Duh! It's because it's important for the plot!

Well sure, if you overlook the ridiculous straw man argument he starts it with. Even if I agree with the rest of what he's saying in that statement.

To be fair, having a hilariously awkward name or abnormally odd features is no barrier to success in the sciences. The entertainment industry, not so much.

Uh…no. Adelaide was very clearly a young girl in the pilot's flashback to the 70s with the Weasely Twins*, and she is a fully grown woman in the present.

Wow - that just may be intentional on the writers' part if it ends up being true. There are enough obscure references and jokes sprinkled throughout I can see it.

Completely agree. So far the reviews have centered on:
A) an extremely strained comparison to Todd's favorite show (Lost)
B) a laundry list of what Todd would prefer to see out of a show whose genre he isn't very knowledgable about or interested in
C) a shrill and misguided insistence on sexism that supposedly pervades

Agreed. If I wanted to read about Lost, I'd, y'know, *read about Lost*. The comparisons brought absolutely no insight into the show this article was ostensibly about.

Does anyone else see a strong resemblance to Erin from The Office?

You got one of 3 correct. They were not talentless, but they were most certainly overhyped pretentious d-bags (with the possible exception of Kreiger.)

Highly recommend Riverworld and Other Stories - the novella (I believe an intermediate step between the original short story and the series) is quite good but is only part of the appeal. The rest of the stories are mostly entertaining as hell and showcase Farmer's range, imagination, humor, and penchant for hilarious

That was a moving and well told story DCRJ, thanks for sharing.

Idwiz - it's not pro wrestling. It's a real sport and the ladies both dish out and take a lot of punishment. Also, it fucking rules. If your area has a league definitely check it out - it will be a lot more entertaining than this movie.