
Money is a social construct, let us just pretend it exist and it will go away! This is what I say when people say that race is a social construct. It also shows me that racism does not affect them negatively.

This is how it is in the U.S. If you look white, you are white until further notice.

L2 in the house!

People keep on saying that if they did not own most of the world.

How did you like your recent movie, PP?

I am a queer woman and for years I have this crush on him.

I met him. He does.

Really. As a African American, you are really aware of them.

I live in NYC, the "liberal utopia", and I see it at least once a week.

My parents are from a former British Commonwealth, and it always amuses me when people speak highly of England. It was still a British Commonwealth when they were growing up. So not only did they steal the people there, they took the resources and told the people what to do and where to go on their land up until the

When was the last time anybody has seen her? And anybody who would recognize her is dead.

Wun-Wun died at Winterfell.

Yeah, I would be all, Cersei, you have to marry him after that, I want to marry him.

The languages are close enough that it wouldn't be hard. Same reason why he knows English.

The back of my cereal box is better than Twilight.

Fire and Ice in life, Fire and Ice in death.

I love Atlanta so much, I haven't been there in ten years. It is just a lovely vibe down there.

The sound of it being scratched was worse than how it looked.

I like to use 1/8 of teaspoon of Adobo and a bit of this steak fat I keep to soak it in.

4:20 is when I take my birth control pill.