
That was Wet Seal, not even forever 21.

My spouse is trans and feels the same way.

Turkeys do not fuck around. If you invade their territory, they will kill you, and the groups can number the hundreds.

They are all over NYC. I love bird watching, I know where you can find birds.

That reminds me that I just heard No Frauds and it is so sad. How are you going to have two other dudes rap on your diss record?

My family and I can find West African stores and restaurants here. That is the only thing keeping me here.

He does look really nice in those jeans.

Sasha is a nick name for Alexander. It is in the meet the queens video.

One of the best parts is the person freaking out in the audience before she even appeared. And when she did, I think he died.

I went from thinking Valentina is a filler queen to being so impressed, I would not be mad at all if she won. I love that can happen in this show.

That is her real name, so I find that amusing.

He did create the EPA, so that is one thing they think he did wrong.

Ah, thought he was a bit younger. Late Boomer then.

Obama is a GenXer.

Fuuuuuck she looks fabulous in all black.

It is never really talked about compared to Part Two: Electric Nazihoo. I think mainly how it came about.

Speak for yourself, I have a lot of anger in my heart.

Now I have to listen to the song for the billionth time.

Ugh! It is the second reason why I hate babies. Always grabbing for the glasses. The first is when they look and point at you for no reason. The fuckers.

Oh, I know. I live in this stupid place all my life.