
How many boats has he finished? Last I watched, it was four.

My spouse is. Got the card and everything.

Maine has the least amount of Black people in this country. It really shows in his writing.

Read the reviews here and reply!

Mike Pence is Kai Winn.

Oh, I had no idea! MADS is so cool, but I hate when anybody gets my name wrong, so I will do it correctly.

I think I want to do something like that too.

Oh no, I did not know. That is upsetting.

What did she do to offend you?

She is my ride or die bitch.

She should be proud. Her leg extensions were great.

I believe his in-laws own part of NBC.

I am a bigger fan of his oldest son.

Women are used to having terrible things happen to them and no one believe them. It happens all the time in horror movies. A woman is usually the last one alive. Hell, usually horror movies and shows will have several women in them, being the main character.

It will be the new Last Resort.

The British used to own everyone, so people outside from the U.S. use the metric system. He is from Malaysia.


Yeah, this question can be depressing for a lot of people.

I have punched someone in the face and have been punched several times. It hurts punching more.

Ha, ha, I do! All the time! *Charlie Brown walk*. I am the only Black person at my job, and I have natural hair.