
They were trying to keep him away from his cake.

Surely that should have been "Quickest route from point A to point AAAAARRRGGGHHHH THE B'S!!!

I would definitely pay to go see a Be Kind Rewind style Star Wars made by these two.

This is awesome.
It is.

There is a good reason punk artists don't write love songs.

I have learnt through the internet that lyrics are by far the most subjective part of music. Saw someone once complain that The Who had terrible lyrics!
I almost had a heart attack.

K then.

We are in agreement then. Clash are awesome, Oasis lyrics are terrible.

It would be almost as long as MacArthur Park.

Nah, the Clash had great lyrics. London Calling and Straight to Hell. Pure awesome.

Damon Albarn is better.

LG: Who?

Not just a wall. One that wonders. And I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure that is impossible.

Slowly walking down the hall. Faster than a cannonball.

You're right, this shit is pretty messed. I mean, woah, and shit yeah?

This is pretty ironic
Seeing as Oasis have the worst fucking lyrics of any artist ever.