
I'm with you, rimjobflashmob; Pig Lib is my favorite of The Jicks. I think every one is worthwhile but I'd rank it…

Church on White was written about his friend Robert Bingham, who had passed away from a heroin overdose. I remember him talking about it a bit in a Rolling Stone interview at the time ("Church on White" was a play on the address where they use to live in NY) but I can't find it Rolling Stone's online archives. I

Seattle in XLVIII - Let's get it done, 'Hawks!

Mini-Inventory: Not Weird, Just Awesome Malkmus Lyrics

I've always loved the super specific inventories with one author; they'll have a healthy mix of enthusiasm & obsessiveness and they give a nice bit of insight into the author's pop culture mindset.

I always heard it as, "Charge it like a puzzle", which clearly makes much more sense.

You're the offspring of my Aunt and Uncle who verifies information.

[cues guitar babble and drum machine]

Yea, If you’re going to be horrible at least kick ass. Like Jesus Lizard. I mean, they suck, but they kick ass!

He knew not what band he mixed
They sounded a bit like the Zephyr and a bit like The Jicks

That's a good one, @dschubba:disqus.

[forces an awkward smile]

Pfft…Odd Future Wolfgang Pauli never murdered a prostitute in his life!

Someday you will join us, and the world will live as one.

I prefer 12 OZ MOUSE.

NO. No water…I'm terribly allergic.

I was going to watch it but I couldn't because…mmm.. because I have a small role in a broadway musical. It's not much but it's a start.

You know, Inside the Actor's Studio turned into hardcore sex show so gradually, I hardly even noticed.

Ditto.  I used to stay up after watching the real late-night shows and watch the two episodes they would slot into the 1:30 and 2:00 am slots.

I loved In Search Of…; the episode about Coral Castle is awesome.