
Moving outside of his 70's stuff, I'd love to have seen Nathan's take on Be Cool.  I think Get Shorty is great and it sort of cemented his comeback post-Pulp Fiction, but Be Cool is just such a total mis-fire.  Maybe that shouldn't have come as a surprise, post-Battlefield Earth, but it's a definite failure in terms

The AV Club has sunk to a new low.

Some Favorite My Year/World of Flops Entries (in no particular order)

Silly Little Showbiz Book Club Appreciation:

No! Stay away, Nathan, it's a trap!!  That's where they keep the mind altering drugs!!!

I want to say I’ve got so much respect and appreciation for the work you’ve done with the AV Club over the years, Nathan.  The AV Club has been a big deal for me and my pop culture education.  You’ve probably done more than anyone to define the voice of the AV Club throughout the years and, in my opinion, it takes an

I kind of hope that he waits out his 'retirement' a few years, does some DVD audio commentaries for movies that aren't his and then comes back to make CLEO! and a re-make of Moneyball with his original treatment.

Hey, I was doing my part!  I saw both Haywire and Side Effects overseas, in the theater, in Vietnam!

I thought his concept sounded awesome and more true to the source material.

Great minds think alike…

Thanks for posting this, StepDowd.  Very interesting read! Thanks for the audio link too, @SaoirseRonanTheAccuser:disqus .

That is true; Amelie definitely employed the same tone and Rabin could always be as snarky as anybody.  But I always saw the Hater's and the Friday Buzzkill's of the site as more niche articles - one take on pop culture in a site full of them.  But since the Newswire went from one or two entries a day to 10+ per day,

@Marquis_Moon:disqus , I heard the new management for the A.V. Club is a repulsive, obnoxious old billionaire…

With all this uncertainty, we've just got to remember that rule - Play it cool.

You know, it's funny; after everyone else leaves, both Todd and Modell are going to be pretty lonely.

Todd indicated on his twitter that it was pulled last minute because of "other means" and "…things" .

I don't like that Director's Cut…


The cover of Cat Fancy does NOT approve.