
Man, that's a bummer.  I was looking forward to giving Rabin a proper send-off; I even woke up in the middle of the night to be a part of it!! (I'm living across the sea currently)

Hilarious.  Well done, sir or madam.

Hire this man, A.V. Club!

Right?  I had the same feeling…is it possible we were watching too much MTV back then @avclub-fc0917d88195961172274194b3525c14:disqus ?

These are truly troubled times…

Hear, hear.

I'm with you @avclub-12c587c9ed3b9edc910316b5954e12c5:disqus .  I think that O'Neal taking over the Newswire was a turning point for the site.  I think O'Neal's funny too, but that section became far and away the most popular around here and the tone in both comments and articles became snarkier.  That element was

What would you say is your worst quality?

We'll never stop A.V. Club!
Have no fears, we've got comments for years!

Yea, I'm pretty much with you @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus  I do think it's better than it's reputation.

I love the uncommented upon moment during his first sit-down with Ivan when Justin Hammer has self-tanning lotion on the palms on his hands.

I've got no ill-will towards the Thunder fans.  They seem like great fans and after they housed the Hornets, post-Katrina, it was obvious they were gonna get a team of their own.

I don't think it's that bad, but to me it doesn't have a central, through-line plot, just a big collection of sub-plots pushed together (what's keeping Stark alive is also killing him, the government wants to control of the Iron-Man technology, Whiplash wants revenge for family history, Justin Hammer is a professional

I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.  Sherman Alexi makes a good point in Sonicsgate that if we do get another team it means that we are going to have to do the same thing to some other fan-base that was done to us - have your team taken away from you.

Never Forget.

Yea, he probably had it already written, but Genevieve and Noel indicated that they'll continue to contribute here on occasion as freelancers…maybe Rabin will continue with his Simpsons reviews in the same way?

Nate Robinson is awesome.  Big ups to Seattle! Home-town kid done good…

[fastandsloppy comes to]

Modell's still around, right?  Oh, wait…he doesn't really write much at all.

I've been a huge fan of your work here, Noel.  Your LOST reviews changed the way I saw the show (which I already loved…it just deepened and heightened my appreciation) and it changed the way I interacted with this site.  I was a long-time reader but those show entries are what pulled me down into the comments (tho I