
Hmm…@avclub-c9be0674ead9b2448c14d31c64f2b01b:disqus , I want to buy your rock.


[makes hateful sign about HateSong]

Ahhh, that's good nostalgia.

No way should they ever hire him back, for all the reasons @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus states.


@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus , maybe you're the gimmick account for @avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus ? Or maybe the other way around?!?

I never post there, but I kinda love what's become of the Tolerability Index comment section.

I pray thee, stay with us. Go not to Slate.com.

Good thing you're above it all, @avclub-0e639653c10d1353dfbc8e4a14df280e:disqus .

I heard it was a couple of German businessmen…after they bought The Onion they still had enough left over to buy the Cleveland Browns.

That black hole of snark will swallow us all!!!

Noel is my favorite writer on this site. I'll always stick around to read him, but all these defections are definitely a stress test…I liked having all my favorites in one location!

Thanks Tasha!  We'll miss seeing your writing around here! (man, I'm getting tired of posting that particular sentiment…)

The whole system is breaking down!

In that case, let me say, "Welcome to … The A.V. Club!"

Tobias is gone
But he's not forgotten.

It just seems like the next question is how does he see himself and his work in that equation.  I know that it would be hard to ask that without coming off like a dick ("How do you feel about your role in giving dumb audiences what they want?") but since he seems so dismayed by audiences not giving smart, patient

I didn't know about his anti-vaccination-ism.  I just have little tolerance for folks like that, especially when they use whatever standing they have to spread misinformation.  Points off.

It's a little bit of a muddled argument; he talks about how dumb American audiences are, using the Monty Python "Parrot Sketch" bombing on SNL when John Cleese and Michael Palin performed it there  (http://www.hulu.com/watch/1… as an example and, later, he actually makes some good points about how comedy has an