
He's actually surprisingly respectful @avclub-1bfb50f8428a734a72e2ace7d8b3166e:disqus .

I thought the Rob Schneider WTF was pretty good but you could tell that Marc kind of wanted to touch on his Adam Sandler situation but couldn't get there.  He made a few passing references to it but Schneider never took the bait.  I was also a bit surprised there wasn't more discussion about him being a part of the

I just discovered this this week and listened to the first three episodes in pretty quick succession.  I haven't watched any of the video versions yet but Norm is great and I think this show has got legs.  I look forward to this episode.

:: Offers A.A. Dowd a drink from the giant goblet ::

Gooble Gobble! Gooble Gobble!

Tread lightly, Alex…you've only got one shot to get this right.

This seems good natured enough but just a bit phoney…I look forward to seeing Alex mix it up down here in the comments but I'll just wait for the STAFF indicator.

It was a baby ox, @HobbesMkii:disqus .

SPOILER ALERT, please!!!

"Upside Down…takes place on twin planets…and…addresses the…laws,…the…social ladder(s)…and…the earnestness…of…this anomalous universe."

What kind of catchphrase is that?

Liked for making me wonder what the circumstances are that put you under duress.

Why is that @avclub-2ada31fe193c3a8c3f18a2d15c64362c:disqus ?  Because it's so hidden up there or perhaps my ominous use of bold?

FIGHT ME?  Them's fightin' words!!!

But this article's got a new hat!

We're not popular enough to be different, @avclub-f900c211bceaaa9016dda3f017176e7a:disqus !

It was truly outrageous.

I feel like I've been drinking from the well of eternal sadness…an eternal, bottomless pit of blackest despondency.