
Well, this is awkward…

Careful with that joke, it's an antique!

I love Colbert Christmas.  I watch it every year during the holidays!

Da, da, da, dee, doo … and other musical stuff!


Yea, Xena can't fly.  Key difference.

That's one of my favorite qualities for how Scott ran the New Cult Canon; he had a wide ranging appreciation of what made for "quality" in film and he was able to pinpoint and explain the appeal and unique qualities of so many different types of films.

Just figured out that this is the final Very Special Episode from the comments in the final New Cult Canon article (these things come in threes, right? I'm going to go check on Loud just to make sure it's OK … Awww, nuts!)  Sneaky move, with all this about "unceremonious finales"…

"Movies about spiritual matters can get tacky when they try to find cinematic ways to express the infinite (just look at that girls’ Trapper Keeper folder Peter Jackson made called The Lovely Bones)"

What!?  No more A Very Special Episode?!  Did I miss that announcement?

That barley visible "feature jump" link on the top right of the site banner is one of the more useful tools for diving into archived content around here.

"what I was/will (have) be(en) trying to say."

This is the moment we feared people! Many of you thought it would never happen. But I insisted we spend two hours every morning training for it. Many of you thought I was mad, many of you requested to be transferred to another pop-culture website, but now…

And Steve Hyden.

Does this mean Scott finally wrote his wrestling picture!?  Could be a pip, Phipps, could be a pip…

To continue this column?  I don't know; I guess that could work fine but the sensibility of the New Cult Canon seemed so driven by your perspective and voice that that just doesn't seem quite right.


No I Saw The Devil either?

We'll miss you, Scott To-BYE-as!

Movies That You Are Sad Never Made It Into The New Cult Canon