
Well said, @avclub-843f7125a533748d5477271f8eebd9b1:disqus .

Aw, man!  I just realized that now we won't get a New Cult Canon entry for The Bridge!

It's been a pleasure reading your work over the years, Scott.  Your writing on film and the tone you helped set here as an editor has been foundational for a young(-ish) cinephile like me, so much appreciation for that. Thanks for all the insights, analysis, context, humor, cinematic breakdowns and championing over

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus , the tennis episode is pretty dire, but I do like the gear-shift moment when they pivot from the Grandpa-centric first act with Homer's "A tennis court, eh?".   I like the "Behind The Laughter" episode too and there are some good lines sprinkled throughout the season

Yea but Sub Pop 20 was less free.

True enough…he kind of says it all in "Abracadabra", ya know?

Sorry, @avclub-1385923e15b60f29c5b27765dda07489:disqus , the mob has spoken!

All the likes.

I'm with you and @avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus as Season 11 being the line of demarcation.  And even though it's got it's low points, I'll always love Season 10 for "Max Power" and for Phil Hartman's last appearance in "Bart the Mother".

*tumbling tumbleweeds*

*pats out the flame and puts singed bill back into wallet*

If they had put out an actual release of Bigger Than Jesus, I would have bought it.

The alien has a sweet, heavenly voice…

How to consider filmmakers is what's keeping me from agreeing whole-heartedly with The Simpsons being tops; I suppose if you are considering a TV Show as the whole of all it's episodes, you'd have to consider a Director's whole body of work as well.  What tips the scale towards The Simpsons for me is the range and

So, yes and no?

Worker and Parasite?

I think you did it knowingly, @avclub-e66328e6839ea98e7ac56275a549d89e:disqus , and I applaud you for it, but part of me hopes you wrote that comment not knowing about this:

It's a bold statement but he's made versions of it several times so I'm thinking that, even if it's knowingly over the top, he believes it.

Technically, @avclub-39343aba222e6fab8108ff6609841457:disqus is right…the best kind of being right!

But Woman is…smarter!