
I think that it can definitely be in the running and there is probably a pretty good case for it to be made.

Obscurity?  I don't know…Disgruntled Goat had his moments.

I think it did end up being their final, proper show.  After this concert, there was a bit of buzz around them and I remember reading in the local alt-weekly that they ended up doing some "industry showcases" to gauge interest (I don't think they even had a record deal at that point) but it never came to anything.

I agree with what you said and it is kind of a bummer if the avclub is more of place where most folks would rather shit on sucky bands, like Bush, than be enthusiastic about awesome bands, like Mudhoney/Loud bands/whoever, but, like, you know, whatever…

That's not dropping names, that's just a cool, topic-related experience.  I love hearing about that kinda stuff.

Boy, I sure could go for an OK Soda about now…

The Mono Men own.  "Burning Bush" is one of my favorite songs of all time.

The Sonics fucking OWN.  Both Here Are The Sonics!!! and BOOM are essential.

I'd love to see them sometime soon too…it's been a while. I think the last time I saw them was at a Mudhoney-Melvins 20th Anniversary show, which was amazing.  They both were fantastic but that was back in 2004.

Mudhoney owns.

Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, cloudy, cloud…

Which I believe was some sort of hovercraft, @avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus .

Michel Gondry.

Awesome; for whatever reason, that does seem like a better 'swan song'.


Well, I read one of his reviews in a Film Studies class in college when we were looking at exemplars of the different types of film writing we would be doing, so, while I can't speak to thirty years from now, in the present…you're just wrong.

I'm thinking that it must be in some state of transition right now, @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus , because it hasn't been working for me at all.  We're better off using google to find specific reviews currently.

I'm looking forward to the launch of the new rogerebert.com next week.


I loved that about Ebert too, he was always tapped into that "thrill quality" as you call it, the joy and fun of movie going. He had a very broad appreciation of the wide range of "thrills" that film could deliver.  A couple of choice quotes: