
:: consults bible ::

Excuse me, I must use the restroom…

@avclub-f0a25fc22f6198ce61fe90730dc075e1:disqus , we ate at Denny's a half-hour ago. You had a double cheeseburger. Your belly's full. I rest my case.

What kind of catchphrase is that?

Ugh. If I hear "objection" and "sustained" one more time today I think I am going to scream!

I can think of two things wrong with that title…

Everyone is stupid, except for us.

Also, my Dad shares his name with a character from Mary Poppins and he was a kid while it was in theaters…probably wasn't too fun.

Ever since my wife took my last name, she has shared her name with a character from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Great plan, @avclub-32a2e71c97df5281f1324db72c73a59a:disqus .

Well, it's like the song says, "It's hip to be square"…

Nooo… my son is also named @avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus …

Thanks @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus , but I'm no hero - I just like to hit people on the head.

I think those are the examples of her more traditional SXSW experience "seeing tiny bands in tiny venues performing to tiny audiences".

This article looking at the history of yelling "FREEBIRD!" out at concerts quotes Isaac from some other show saying, "…if this were the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and you were going to die in 20 minutes - just long enough to play 'Freebird' - we still wouldn't play it."

I bet that Eels performance was cool (that song particularly but I bet seeing them "with strings" was all good.)

That is incredible @avclub-0e3078a14e84988234576e9696f69dc8:disqus !  Bruce Springsteen consoled you in the aftermath of a break up. How cool to not only have recorded footage but from multiple angles!

I've seen them do "I Try", "Cortez", "Freebird", George Harrison's "What Is Life", MIA's "Paper Planes", and The Gladiators "Rearrange" (which they also released as a single on iTunes).

That is awesome, I'd love to see that.  I read an interview with Doug recently that says that, with all the rehearsals with the new lineup, they've been practicing a lot of new covers.  They should be locked and loaded!

Nice suggestion; I think this is a fun topic, thanks for throwing it out there!