
Don't worry; I'm pretty sure I used "denouement" once in an article about Hot Rod.

F For Fake is a pretty good example of what Tobias was talking about when he wrote that documentary shouldn't just abandon the use of more cinematic qualities to tell their stories.

The Criterion package is pretty great, which is par for the course for them but particularly nice for this movie.  The documentary about the Elmyr de Hor case and the 60 Minutes piece on Irving are both great for context.  The movie itself is so interested with fogging the issue of what's real and what's perception

I remember reading someone back in the day who wrote that Oasis' secret is that Noel writes lyrics that mean nothing and Liam sings them like they mean everything.  I always liked that.


I love Desmond episodes.

Back when he worked in the comic book shop!

Far right.

What steps has the Prime Minister taken…to prevent Liam Gallagher from leaving?

Me too but I was 15.

Thick syrup standing in lines.

If there is a question in the headline, the answer is no.  Otherwise, the headline should be a statement in the positive.

When you stop buying it, like Heller, you're in a vinylull.

:: wildly applauds with amazed eyes ::

"For my next trick, I will attempt to take the high road after being cut out of The Avengers!"

I'm thinking the Norton Illusionist is coming up later this week in this feature and whatever intern they've got queuing up the photos just got it backward.  I hope they leave it and reverse the photos on the next article too.

If you ever crawl inside an old hollow log and go to sleep, and while you're in there some guys come and seal up both ends and then put it on a truck and take it to another city, boy…I don't know what to tell you.

I was more bummed they felt like they had to use "The Dark Knight" in the title for TDKR; it smacked of branding-necessary more than story-necessary.
