
Hey, The Sandlot was big for me when I was a kid too, but, as of this year, it was released 20 years ago.  For a kids movie that IS ancient history.

It's true ! I'm a snark-oholic!  I can't live without snark-ohol!

This ain't a Girl Scout Camp!

"All art is quite useless"

I don't know guys…maybe writing puns just isn't one of our strong SUITS.

There are some great scenes in the movie where they talk about how D. Boon and Watt's parents were totally supportive and encouraging of what they were doing with The Minutemen.  There is a sweet interview with Watt's mom where she talks about how excited she was for them when they were starting out.

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus & @avclub-71a04561e43c4ba6db6663c142598f96:disqus , I agree with you both.  It always seemed to me like there was a bigger jump in style and approach between Being There and Summerteeth than between Summerteeth and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

I never realized they cut songs for the CD release @avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus . That's interesting.  I like that they cut their 0:38 second Van Halen cover to help save time.

If you're a Wilco fan @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus , you should definitely check out IATtBYH; even if you're not, I think it's worthwhile.  It's an interesting vantage point on the recording of a seminal album (even though YHF is a mid-level Wilco-fav for me) and there are a ton of 'of-the-period'

At the moment, We Jam Econo is up on youtube, too.

I've always really liked Mike Watt's Contemplating The Engine Room.

I've been living in Ho Chi Minh City for a bit under two years and, after plenty of field testing, I'd say the best soundtrack for driving around the city on a motorbike is "Viet Nam" off Double Nickels.

:: plays jaunty guitar line ::

Excluding Out of Sight, Jackie Brown, Get Shorty, or Justified, what do you think some of the best (or even just good) Elmore Leonard adaptations are?

I should have asked myself, "Who's the man so wicked, so cruel, that he could serve smack to the orphanage, kill my brother Jimmy, and put out a drug to shrink black men's dicks?"

I thought Young Adult was fantastic.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.

Wake me when they start serving them with jagged metal Krusty-O's.

Sorry, in the real world you'll have to settle for Blimpies.

Real: Jujyfruits