
Son of a….every damn time!

"Soup Nazi" soup or maybe just a BIG SALAD.

Maybe head down to the beach for a frankfurter roast and a marshmallow toast with a Sneetch.

Taking your lead @avclub-806b5b6da67147d81f7c18c77ad37648:disqus , some of either the Dharma Boxed Wine or Hurley's "secret garlic mayo" from Lost, or all the bacon and eggs from Parks and Rec

Where I'm from, we call that a "shake".

Those post-Roman-whupping feasts always did look pretty appetizing.

Tasha, I feel the same way…the first time I tried Turkish Delight as a kid, it was such a let-down!

I think that whole album is pretty good too, @avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus.

While I know that you did more than dispute and merely point out during your little diatribe @avclub-7e1d54dc51f639d711387188468d01d9:disqus , I'm sure folks appreciate your apology and willingness to dial it back in the future.

@avclub-7e1d54dc51f639d711387188468d01d9:disqus I hear what you're saying about how The Hudsucker Proxy is not trying to be an authentic representation of the decade itself, but if a period piece is a movie that evokes a particular historical period that is important to the plot, I'd say it fits, along with Oh,

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I actually didn't mean for that to come off as a dig on True Grit, just to mention another great Damon performance but then realize that I don't disagree with the OP.

I think you can make a period piece in the time period it depicts; look at the first Back To The Future movie.  It's a '50s period piece for a lot of it but the 80's scenes are so packed full of 80's-era signifiers that it works as an 80's period piece now too!

I love Jaime Lidell.

Uh oh, @Scrawler2:disqus , Simon's arguing semantics and word definitions … I think that means he must be right!

@avclub-66fd5930fa8e2cae35680cbd070b6364:disqus , I have found it weird that so many people keep referring to Side Effects as the "last" Soderbergh movie before his "retirement" when Behind The Candelabra is clearly on the way.  Just because it's on HBO and not in the theaters?  It seems weirdly snobby at times.

For me, Out of Sight is his best movie; I've had it at the top of my list for any movie.

Does he say it's his last?  I was hoping that his "retirement" would clear the way for him to do commentaries on other people's movies more often than he already does!