
:: disguises voice ::

I've always been bummed that Soderbergh's commentary (with Scott Burns) for The Informant! isn't available on the DVD, only the Blu-Ray.  I haven't done the whole Blu-Ray update thing yet, and haven't got to hear it yet.

I think that with all the background you have on the central story, you'll be able to appreciate the way that the story gets told in the movie that much more. It's worth checking out.

I have listened to the soundtrack more than I've watched the movie (when I watch the movie, I get to do both!) but it is a movie that grows on me as I re-watch it, too.  I think I went into it the first time with a good lens when I, as I have so many times before, read Roger Ebert's review before I saw it.  Key line:

I think Haywire's score is definitely awesome, but I find it even more awesome in it's absence in the fight scenes.  One thing I love about Soderbergh as a filmmaker - he makes choices.

Or True Grit.

I was expressing my love of The Informant! back in the Marvin Hamlisch obit and was pleased to see it end up so high in the final tally of your Soderbergh reviews.  Even though I disagree with you on Ocean's Twelve, I've been appreciating your review project from afar.

I think Soderbergh has gotten a certain amount of flack for the way he cast The Informant!; I remember Paul F. Tompkins on some podcast saying how he was excited to be cast in the movie until he realized it was just "a stunt".

Well, shut my mouth!

I'm surprised I forgot about this one earlier; I really want the Complete Series DVD set for Jon Favreau's Dinner For Five.



"I remember it well" - you're just "in the know" @avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus !

Hector "Zero" Zeroni from Holes.

Ha! Put that way @avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus , you may have a point…

Were you from the NW, @avclub-bd639b876c6a37363c08ea18cbcfe0c4:disqus ?  I've always been curious how some of the more locally based jokes played to folks who would watch on Comedy Central.  I think there's plenty that is universally funny there but I always wondered how jokes about Ballard (my neighborhood growing

Yea, show to show, the story-lines always made sense for how something had been overlooked, obscured or swept under the rug the first time around.  I just felt that the cumulative effect of 7 seasons of unsolvable cases being cracked by the Cold Case Team was, "Wow…Philadelphia's detectives throughout the years have

I think Cold Case is super underrated.  It falls victim to the traps of a lot of long running cop procedurals ("What, these are just super cops who solve every case that ever boggled cops of another era by using basic police work!?!?") but any given episode told a standalone story that was usually pretty entertaining.

Craig Kilborn left CBS and Late Night lost its Natural Host.  But the world of philanthropy gained a dear friend. As the years passed, Craig immersed himself in charitable works, the arts and botany. But most of his time was spent on his one true passion - Drinking in the afternoon. Around 2-ish.

Speaking of 'Regrettably Unattainable Art', I'm still bummed we never got to see Leonard Pierce's take on Batman: The Animated Series.  Oliver did a fine job with it but I really wish we could have seen Leonard finish that out.