
Don't worry - it's almost uncool enough for it to become cool again!

What power?

I like both those movies too;  I've never been an overweight teenage girl myself, but "I Can Hear The Bells" is so big-hearted (pun!) that it really sweeps you up.

@avclub-7f7e803ee2d1481fd805f34086a52c37:disqus What babe?

A perfectly reasonable wish…

"Does anybody ever say, "Krup you"?"

The priest at the end seems to agree with you.

No Disney movie moments?

No Disney movie moments?

Nice call on the comic strip artists; that would be an unexplored corner he hasn't tapped into.  I'd love to hear an episode from any of those folks, maybe Gary Trudeau too.

I agree.  I love the episodes when he does get a big comedy name, like Richard Lewis, Chris Rock or Judd Apatow, but the ones with folks from different circles really illustrate how wide-ranging the comedy world can be.

They aren't all as heavy as this article may suggest but they typically don't primarily go for laughs.  He mostly tries for an honest conversations and to get at where people are coming from.

"I met Louie and David Byrne within my first three weeks here.  I also applied for food stamps today."

Marc talks a bit about it on an episode of The Marc and Tom Show (his occasional podcast with Tom Scharpling).

Adam Sandler

Jon Stewart

John Keister

What do you mean?  He hasn't gotten Lorne Michaels to come sit in the Cat Ranch yet!!

I first got into WTF during my 40 minute bus commute to work; I dropped the commute but keep the podcasts.