
Why everybody always picking on Danger?  and DOOM?

I think Mm…Food is a great Gateway because, of all his albums, it best shows off both his Metal Face (rapping) and Metal Fingers (producing) sides.

I think Mm…Food is a great Gateway because, of all his albums, it best shows off both his Metal Face (rapping) and Metal Fingers (producing) sides.

I hear what people are saying about riding a beat (see his verse on "Definition") but, c'mon, his verse on "Old School Rules" is sick.

I hear what people are saying about riding a beat (see his verse on "Definition") but, c'mon, his verse on "Old School Rules" is sick.

You can't spell CRAP without RAP, ammirite fellas?!?

You can't spell CRAP without RAP, ammirite fellas?!?

It's a miracle how DOOM get so lyrical…

It's a miracle how DOOM get so lyrical…

There seems to be a ton on love for Vaudeville Villain on here and it's fucking awesome, but "best album by a long shot" seems like a long shot to me.

There seems to be a ton on love for Vaudeville Villain on here and it's fucking awesome, but "best album by a long shot" seems like a long shot to me.

God Bless [adult swim]

God Bless [adult swim]

That Unexpected Friends record he put out is surprisingly strong for a guest-shot and b-side compilation.

That Unexpected Friends record he put out is surprisingly strong for a guest-shot and b-side compilation.

Technically, @avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus is right - the best kind of being right!

Technically, @avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus is right - the best kind of being right!

11. Kenny's Terry Schivo-esque coma that was keeping him from directing the armies of Heaven in the ultimate battle against the forces of Hell on South Park.