
He, he…Hey, crack a window will ya!?

Hey, all you Space Ghost obsessives!!

Hey, all you Space Ghost obsessives!!

Anyone wanna go smash lightbulbs out by the dumpster?

Anyone wanna go smash lightbulbs out by the dumpster?

I'm not sure if it was the same in Canada, but it seemed like [adult swim] treated Space Ghost C2C differently than their other shows.  Where they would run Aqua Teen or Sealab 2021 in reruns - from episode 1 through current, then repeat - they never seemed to re-run SGC2C very often, just the new episodes when the

I'm not sure if it was the same in Canada, but it seemed like [adult swim] treated Space Ghost C2C differently than their other shows.  Where they would run Aqua Teen or Sealab 2021 in reruns - from episode 1 through current, then repeat - they never seemed to re-run SGC2C very often, just the new episodes when the

The first wave of [adult swim] really was pretty amazing.  Space Ghost C2C and Harvey Birdman were tops for me, plus, along with the stuff you guys already mentioned, it was where Home Movies came into it's own.

The first wave of [adult swim] really was pretty amazing.  Space Ghost C2C and Harvey Birdman were tops for me, plus, along with the stuff you guys already mentioned, it was where Home Movies came into it's own.

I totally agree.  I had friends who shared a lot of my interests but I didn't have any who watched Space Ghost too (not until college anyways).  I can definitely relate to the excitement that came with watching and loving "something no one else I knew gave a shit about."

I totally agree.  I had friends who shared a lot of my interests but I didn't have any who watched Space Ghost too (not until college anyways).  I can definitely relate to the excitement that came with watching and loving "something no one else I knew gave a shit about."

It was pitched a bit more towards younger kids and was a platform for cartoons from the Turner library but does anyone remember the quasi-Space Ghost C2C spin-off, Cartoon Planet on TBS?

It was pitched a bit more towards younger kids and was a platform for cartoons from the Turner library but does anyone remember the quasi-Space Ghost C2C spin-off, Cartoon Planet on TBS?

Ah, yes … my documentary.

Ah, yes … my documentary.

Hello, citizen!  Are you getting enough oxygen?

Hello, citizen!  Are you getting enough oxygen?

George Lowe is hilarious as Dad on the Brak Show; on par with him as Space Ghost, for me.

George Lowe is hilarious as Dad on the Brak Show; on par with him as Space Ghost, for me.

Ditto.  I have memories of flipping through the channels late at night in high school and just coming across it, (pre-adult swim, it was on Cartoon Network and sometimes TBS?) and having to make sense of it, like it was being presented without explanation.  It felt like you were getting away with something by watching