
I got to see the live Brand Upon the Brain! with Karen Black as the narrator and she was fantastic. Crispin Glover would have been awesome, tho.

I'd say that Stand By Me and The Outsiders are close but that they probably fit together in a separate trope where a character in the story is "writing" their account of the story we are seeing/reading.

You're using a knife to whittle a knife?

Hmm, The Princess Bride and The Neverending Story are close - they both have characters reading books with those titles in the movies, but since the characters-reading-the-book gambit originated in the book versions, I'd say they don't quite fit.  Probably a separate trope,

I'd say that counts @avclub-ee5fa6ca72cf1279c0a422ce0f1b221a:disqus !

Good call @avclub-59c4e0a1cedba7dc5ff1541ac8b60028:disqus That's a good movie that I haven't thought of in a while; I'll have to revisit that sometime soon!

When you play the Game of Thrones, either you win…or you die! In the event of a tie, participants move on to the "Incest Round".

I got to see North By Northwest on the big screen last year at siff.net as part of the Turner Classic Movies roadshow, and before the screening Robert Osborne interviewed Eva Marie Saint. It was an awesome way to see one of my favorite movies, Hitchcock or otherwise.

Isn't "handsome", as an adjective, already more associated with men?


The Far Side Highjack!

and … "Scene".

CQ for the New Cult Canon!!

Assuredly, Duh @flavors:disqus

It's on NPR? Good looking out, @avclub-00b5f80238003a864880fe7d05293d64:disqus …

Yea. I feel it works fine in the context of the song ("Goodbye", @avclub-817fde73cb35d91a2cb63520835563f9:disqus )

I agree with you, @avclub-b6295f9a8b2d34f30d97c042a431dd6e:disqus . I find her lyrics on the first record to be (by design or by ability, either way works) basic, simple sentiments that are matched up with great harmonies, like Buddy Holly or Built To Spill - lyrics built to fit well with a melody, feeling or mood and

Hey, that's not very reasonable!

Yea, I've never really liked it all that much either.  I don't know why I'm so resistant to get on board with the more pessimistic take (this is a Terry Zwigoff film, after all) - it just seems like it would be a pessimistic ending in a way that is different from the pessimism that runs through the rest of the movie.

1. I think @avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus has it about right; she's driven to protect the timeline and her son's work after she kills him.  She gets Daniels journal right after she shoots him (which he'd been filling out for the three years he's been in Dharma-times, presumably) and then helps Dharma