
You're right @avclub-51a4481447f563d89973aadd7e6cb95b:disqus !

"That sounds like the captain…you do good impressions."

I use to have a job where I would travel a lot; for awhile, maybe once a month, I'd be in California and make the drive from San Diego to L.A. Each time I would come across the same random AM station that played the audio of a local FOX TV station, for whatever reason.

Groundhog Day is definitely more subdued, dry Chris Elliott but he still gets his moments.

Please do this.

Wow, this is fantastic. I've never even heard of this before! Thanks, @avclub-98470000dfdbcbccf2c7cd42d80955ae:disqus .

Sparkles…professional male model.

Yea, c'mon, that was the movie where Ratzenberger learned how to stand and walk.

There's a lot of buzz about Fassbender's katniss in The Hunger Shame.

I was wondering the same thing; I guess we can assume it's in all the best parts.

But with the added bonus of a little Soderbergh, second-unit direction!

Did you two just independently make the same specifically worded Friday the 13th Part 5 reference at the same time?  That's bizarre.

There are so many weird corners of great stuff in this movie, @avclub-d28c535297ee67dde54c801840d12f61:disqus .  I'm not sure how to describe the odd, Disney Afternoon induced nostalgia of Jim Cummings voicing the "big, fat ass floating cupcake…spitting tobacco" but I think I like it.

Here's his Oscar monologue; he opened with a dig at Hoop Dreams being snubbed and goes right into "Oprah - Uma" … this is why I love Letterman so much; not a single fuck was given that day.

I thought Letterman was great too. If he can get Albert Brooks involved…

Well…thank you for that…whatever that was…

I don't want to rep for 20/20 too hard - I'm not affiliated with them, just a fan - but to say they aren't "elevating anything you haven't heard of" or that they're "useless" for starting debate seems to miss the point a bit.

I just don't think that 20/20 is totally about bashing the Oscars - this year they gave most of the awards to Silence of the Lambs, same as the Academy did.

Yea, 2007 is pretty banner. I have to say Zodiac was my favorite from the year, but with There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, Hot Fuzz, Death Proof, Eastern Promises, The King of Kong, Juno, Superbad and Walk Hard, you can't go too wrong.

There is a group in Seattle made up of the local film community (but growing ever outwardly) that have been revisiting the film slate for the Academy Awards from 20 years earlier, "using the advantage of 20 years of hindsight (they) re-evaluate the choices made two decades earlier".  Sometimes they come to the same