
What's wrong with me?

Yea it's "Lock the gates!"  It's one of his lines of dialogue from his role as the Angry Promoter in Almost Famous.

I agree that the whole point is that he doesn't care anymore and walks away from the top accepting this world but I do think that the wedding ring is a pretty big clue; throughout the movie you do see Cobb wearing it during what are clearly presented as "dream" sequences and see him not wearing it during scenes that

I think John Carter is worth seeing.  The worst thing I could say about it is that it's a little clunky, especially at the beginning.  But it's got an old-school, adventure-story vibe that I thought was fun.  The CGI is great; that they pulled off the Tharks believably is no small task. The 3D was well done, if you

I'm definitely looking forward to And Everything Is Going To Be Fine coming out via Criterion in a few months, @wolfmansRazor:disqus .  They're releasing Gray's Anatomy, Soderbergh's first collabo with Spalding, at the same time. Anatomy is pretty great; I haven't seen AEIGTBF yet but I'm sure it's worthwhile.  It

I saw Soderbergh's Haywire which was awesome and just what I was hoping for; a stylish, clever, spy/special ops, international thriller that's mostly a delivery system for well staged ass-kickings.

I thought that Your Highness was way funnier than it's reputation suggests but between the Wize Wizard, the Princess kidnapping and Courtney and the Minotaur, there is perhaps an over-reliance on rape humor.

Good call, @avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus ; and that came out back in 1990.

This is a great piece, Noel.  There are several characteristics of the pop-culturally obsessed that I think are very nicely noted here.  I can definitely relate to the feeling of freedom that came watching late-night tv during the summers and the feeling of ownership you had watching something maybe only mildly

Shout out to Klondike Kat, from the SupaVillian!

Atlanteans or go jump in the ocean!

"In that case, I'd better take a quick break myself"

Joyce McKinney via Errol Morris allusion aside, it probably bears noting that female on male rape, while more rare than male on female (or male on male), can and does happen.

"John Carter is Overrated. Why This is a Good Thing"

Hmm, Spoiler Space…I like it.

Nice defence of Stern;  he obviously gets all sorts of recognition but it seems like it's more often for the raunchier aspects of his show, rather than for the points that you make here.  I like Letterman and Sterns mutual appreciation as broadcasters, because the group of people who create that much content and for

Cool - thanks for the tip, @twitter-7352782:disqus .  Heisler got himself a chance to find some common ground and ended up with an invitation to the Cat Ranch!  Interesting peek, via Twitter, into the process of building a future piece around here (or maybe even a WTF?)  I'll be looking forward to it.


I think you're confusing the Sklars with someone who use to be on VH1 a lot…