
@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus I think you're right that sometimes classic TV can be tough to approach because it's so 'of its time'. It can seem like a chore. I tend to watch TV at "a more basic level", too.  But I've found that the best classic shows go down as smooth as another re-run of King Of

Great article, Noel.  Barney Miller was a bit before my time, but I recall watching on occasion in syndication.  It definitely sounds like it's worth getting acquainted with.

I say embrace it.  I had to scan through 200+ comments looking for someone asking and answering @avclub-9c75bab0f5d964591655e73e7c22c540:disqus 's question, so I appreciate the nerd-effort.

My bad, if you're serious. If you do keep going, maybe take the advise here (mild spoilers), http://www.avclub.com/artic…, and consider the end of season five as The End, then approach the rest as a type of epilogue/dream sequence until the finale.

I think the Where You Lead works perfectly for the Gilmore Girls.  I like that Carole King re-recorded the song with her daughter for the show. I think it sets just the right tone for the show.

Yea, I felt about the same as you towards the show, but I bought the soundtrack tho.  It has the full opening and closing songs, along with a bunch of good instrumental hip hop that was used on the show.  The one I have is the American release which is a compilation of the four Japanese albums of the shows music.

All those Disney Afternoon themes hit a nostalgia sweet spot for me.  Tale Spin, Gummi Bears, Chip&Dale: RR, Darkwing Duck. Duck Tales may be the best one, but all great, cheesy, early 90's themes.

Yea, I find Community's theme song to be streets neutral.

Love that opening.  I've never been big on anime but I would watch the credits whenever it came on [adult swim] (same deal with Samurai Champloo.) 3, 2, 1, let's jam…

Absolutely. The Muppet Show opening is perfect. And what of the Muppet Babies theme song?

I thought of the Powerpuff Girls too; gotta love the drum n bass breakdown toward the end.


True that, son.

I think LOST should be in competition for that Brass Orchestration/Incidental Music award. Michael Giacchino wrote it.

@avclub-a0145b7aca5cd4db8b13e285e9f5300f:disqus Norm and Vera separated in season 2 and his buddy tricked him by setting up the "blind date" with his ex.  They reconcile by the end of the season after the date goes so well.

My guests tonight include the ravishing radiant and most resplendant lady ever to grace this desperate lonely hovel, writer Merrill Markoe.

Any fan of And Here's the Kicker is alright in my book. So good.

Merrill Markoe: great Space Ghost: CtC guest or greatest Space Ghost: CtC guest?

Nice. When I saw it the narration was done by Karen Black, which was pretty great, but I can imagine that Crispin Glover would be … a good match for the material.  I'll have to check out the DVD some time.