
"Forget that, let's just go to brown alert!"

"Forget that, let's just go to brown alert!"

Unless the question was "How do we bring in a new actress to play an old character that's supposed to be dead?" Which may have actually been asked, but this episode still isn't the answer.

Unless the question was "How do we bring in a new actress to play an old character that's supposed to be dead?" Which may have actually been asked, but this episode still isn't the answer.

"A stasis leak? Well. It's a leak, right. In stasis. Hence the name… stasis leak."

"A stasis leak? Well. It's a leak, right. In stasis. Hence the name… stasis leak."

Mostly agree, but Cassandra does belong alongside the all-time classics.

Mostly agree, but Cassandra does belong alongside the all-time classics.

Oh yeah, and why not even a mention of S6's Psirens? A classic sci-fi premise with a brilliant pitch-perfect character-based resolution, and I always found it much funnier than Rimmerworld.

Oh yeah, and why not even a mention of S6's Psirens? A classic sci-fi premise with a brilliant pitch-perfect character-based resolution, and I always found it much funnier than Rimmerworld.

Never cared much for Ouroboros. Pure plot mechanics (even if the goal was a worthy one), with barely a thought for comedy or characer development or the things that made the good episodes so good.

Never cared much for Ouroboros. Pure plot mechanics (even if the goal was a worthy one), with barely a thought for comedy or characer development or the things that made the good episodes so good.

O has exactly the functioning government he worked for from the start. They're still rolling in Wall Street cash, the rich are still getting richer and paying lower taxes than ever, their war profiteering buddies have more pies to stick their fingers into than they did under Bush, and now the health companies will be

O has exactly the functioning government he worked for from the start. They're still rolling in Wall Street cash, the rich are still getting richer and paying lower taxes than ever, their war profiteering buddies have more pies to stick their fingers into than they did under Bush, and now the health companies will be

It's also a matter of distraction. If this issue got fixed and the proles felt secure in their ability to vote, next thing you know, they'd start demanding paper trails to be sure they were counted accurately. And THEN where would we be??

It's also a matter of distraction. If this issue got fixed and the proles felt secure in their ability to vote, next thing you know, they'd start demanding paper trails to be sure they were counted accurately. And THEN where would we be??

A few pennies of an iTunes sale still trickle down to the folks who made the music. With Spotify, they get at least a fraction of a penny per play. From Grooveshark? $0.00.

A few pennies of an iTunes sale still trickle down to the folks who made the music. With Spotify, they get at least a fraction of a penny per play. From Grooveshark? $0.00.

It was a popular hit … and then it wasn’t anymore, so now it’s being cancelled.
My understanding was that Hugh was one of the main people pushing for the show to bow out, and it wouldn't surprise me if he was just sick of the ridiculousness. We're years past jumping the shark here.

It was a popular hit … and then it wasn’t anymore, so now it’s being cancelled.
My understanding was that Hugh was one of the main people pushing for the show to bow out, and it wouldn't surprise me if he was just sick of the ridiculousness. We're years past jumping the shark here.