Randys Donuts

Did it ever occur to you that maybe they're so bad at what they do, their dad's friends (or hell, even their friends) didn't want to do them a solid?

I'm guessing vicodin?

Better than our commencement speaker: the non-voting rep for DC, who slurred her words, repeated a whole half a page of prepared remarks and didn't even notice.

I'm hoping it's like This Means War where the two male leads have lots of sexual tension.  'Cos that's kind of hot.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus we normally flame the rind before putting a twist in our old fashioneds but that seemed like a bad CA fire season plan.

The Targaryen one reminds me of high school.

Basque sangria.  It's wine and coke.  It could come in a can.  It is somehow delicious as hell.

I'm making my way through pork products of Latin America this summer.  I made fried pork with achiote (Nicaraguan style, if you're counting).    If anyone knows of any good Ecuadorian specialties, please let me know!

Has anyone used candied orange peel in an old fashioned in place of simple syrup?  We're going camping, and I'd rather do that than bring a baggie of sugar cubes and whole oranges.

Ludacris specializes in unsexy sex songs.  It's like he looked in the mirror and decided to be realistic.

You don't like Sean Penn's accent?

I need to see some collar bones first, mister.

something something, Brits are evil and all we want is a run down house in Boyle Heights instead of living in luxury in the Canary Islands because… - 'Murrica!

Your mom thinks Kirk is dependable with the lady folk?  I think she's missing a huge character point there.

Friday: Watched FF6. Having only watched the first one, I had no idea what was going on, but liked referring to The Rock as Samoan Thor.  All the talk about "family" made me think of American Juggalo.

The proper response to listening to Bon Iver is to get your pump on…and then cry and jack off.

Because not wanting to get humiliated on tv = not a team player.

How is this not a employment lawsuit already?  

Once I realized that Natalie Portman looks like a female version of Wesley Crusher, I stopped finding her hot.

Is this an open invitation?  Because I go to Orange County for beer and banh mi probably more than I care to admit.