
"-What kind of man goes to the DEA?"

"Loved Uncle Jack trying to negotiate out of his death in the same manner Hank absolutely refused. Just fantastic."


Still can see that as the proper ending…

No. She is dead, you can be sure of that.

"Because from any reasonable perspective, Jesse is a pretty unsympathetic character, and yet may have been treated with the most sympathy by the fan base. "

"The proper ending"

Well, that maybe, but was not the only focus he had, was it?

"Because now he only cares about one thing, and that’s justice."

Well, there is no arguing with facts ;-)

"The ????: The Finale kind of trivializes the consequences of Walt’s actions. It returns to the themes of the first season: being bad makes you feel good. But it never addresses the more complex moral themes of later seasons."

"-Was Walt really the bad guy? It seems to me he was more effective in eliminating drug lords in just two years than Hank could have ever dreamed."

I think is pretty strange that people can't seem to like something from the beauty of it, but have to compare with other things, or excuse it's  - very small - mistakes. The finale was very good, and the series, overall, was great. And that is it…

You are just trying to make yourself look good, but sorry knowing that Breaking Bad is a very good show does not make you smart, or special.

I remembered the same thing, actually, first, I thought Mickey had done it.