
@avclub-80f697da6dc66ff8fd7f33f79d58ab80:disqus To get a little better every time, full stop.

You sheeple honestly think what you're seeing is the moon?!?

You sheeple honestly think what you're seeing is the moon?!?

"Lucy, give Little Ricky his bath."

"Lucy, give Little Ricky his bath."

I choose to believe that Winona Ryder really was using a small ping-pong paddle.

I choose to believe that Winona Ryder really was using a small ping-pong paddle.

Wasn't the zombie/menstruation connection already covered in "28 Days Later"?

Wasn't the zombie/menstruation connection already covered in "28 Days Later"?

Leave Kipling Alone!

Leave Kipling Alone!

Now We Are [sic]

Now We Are [sic]

Re: Jess's sweater-with-shorts outfits
What are you doing here? So your arms are cold but your legs are hot? (And yes I know her legs are hot in a different sense. Word play!)

Re: Jess's sweater-with-shorts outfits
What are you doing here? So your arms are cold but your legs are hot? (And yes I know her legs are hot in a different sense. Word play!)

The Monroes' song had charted and was in the process of heading up when the band's small overseas record company bailed on promoting it.  The single stalled at #59, and that was it for the Monroes.

The Monroes' song had charted and was in the process of heading up when the band's small overseas record company bailed on promoting it.  The single stalled at #59, and that was it for the Monroes.

OB/GYNs work both at their office and at hospitals. Did you learn nothing from the Cosby Show? Hopefully that means Schiff will be back when Mindy has to go to the actual hospital for a delivery. If not, then I demand a Bill Cosby cameo.

OB/GYNs work both at their office and at hospitals. Did you learn nothing from the Cosby Show? Hopefully that means Schiff will be back when Mindy has to go to the actual hospital for a delivery. If not, then I demand a Bill Cosby cameo.

The way it was filmed made it look to me like they kept talking and we didn't see/hear it all. As sound faded out they were still talking.