
SMH = Sal Ma Hayek

SMH = Sal Ma Hayek

"Watching aged versions of Roddy Piper, Ron Simmons, Doink the Clown and Bob Backlund wander aimlessly in the background had some appeal, but I found a storyline twist involving two characters who debuted after I stopped paying attention to be strangely uninvolving."  "Why, Brodus Clay hardly wrestled at all."  "I'll

"Watching aged versions of Roddy Piper, Ron Simmons, Doink the Clown and Bob Backlund wander aimlessly in the background had some appeal, but I found a storyline twist involving two characters who debuted after I stopped paying attention to be strangely uninvolving."  "Why, Brodus Clay hardly wrestled at all."  "I'll

And J. Mascis was last seen two weeks ago in the vicinity of the LaBrea Tar Pits.

And J. Mascis was last seen two weeks ago in the vicinity of the LaBrea Tar Pits.

If they don't find his body for a month or two, authorities will have to identify it by the Frog prints.

If they don't find his body for a month or two, authorities will have to identify it by the Frog prints.

"What It Was, Was Football" was only a chart-topping hit once you'd taken a pen and crossed out the eight higher-charting songs above it.  He had one other comedy monologue that charted for one week at #27, "Romeo and Juliet."  Both releases were credited to "Deacon Andy Griffith."

"What It Was, Was Football" was only a chart-topping hit once you'd taken a pen and crossed out the eight higher-charting songs above it.  He had one other comedy monologue that charted for one week at #27, "Romeo and Juliet."  Both releases were credited to "Deacon Andy Griffith."

Being the funniest guy on the Opie & Anthony show is like being the best ice sculptor in Yemen.

Being the funniest guy on the Opie & Anthony show is like being the best ice sculptor in Yemen.

Provocatively counterintuitive!  Counterintuitively provocative!  

Provocatively counterintuitive!  Counterintuitively provocative!  

He's a little douche creep.  He don't know what he's got.

He's a little douche creep.  He don't know what he's got.

Jerry Sandusky is very available.

Jerry Sandusky is very available.

Writing deliberately bad intro jokes that are somehow supposed to demonstrate the bad joke writer's contemptuous superiority might work once in a while as shtick.  Done several times a week, it just puts the author in the epicenter of the premise.

Writing deliberately bad intro jokes that are somehow supposed to demonstrate the bad joke writer's contemptuous superiority might work once in a while as shtick.  Done several times a week, it just puts the author in the epicenter of the premise.