
I'm guessing no Coldhands now; Sam didn't know about the Black Gate in the book.

A definite tone-down.

Show Daario seems a pale comparison to Book Daario.

He was definitely toned down from the book.

Good question. [spoilers] Pretty sure there will be dragons in Westeros at some point, but the books haven't got there yet.

I'm with Media on this. The whole Theon/Reek story in the books is played in the imagination of how Theon became Reek; difficult to capture that on screen without some clues. I also agree that Theon should go on hiatus: we got it, he's being held captive by a sadistic psychopath. The story needs to progress a bit

I'm confused on that point as well. Didn't Roose Bolton tell his men to "take him to Qyburn" the first time he met Jaime?


When Mance first meets him, he says "so, you're Ned Stark's bastard?"

Bingo! The whole scene in the north is such a bleak shitstorm at the end of ADWD that you wonder who's going to be around when the WW march south.

Happy ending or not, they can't just kill off a character who's still viable in the books, especially since they've already written out Edric Storm. The Gendry Storm angle makes the most sense.

It was probably when Roose Bolton said "take him to Qyburn"

Qyburn is dope. Let's hope they have him written in for future seasons because his character is so…interesting.

Yes, it was Dagmar Cleftjaw. He introduced himself to Theon when they were leaving Pyke, last season. Now that Theon's back in Ramsay's hands, I'll wager we won't be seeing much of Alfie Allen again this season as many other events need to happen before the Reek arc gets going. He'll just have to hang out for awhile.

Explains the cart. Hodor would have looked ridiculous carrying him around.

Branworld does get a little tedious, but I'm pretty sure his POV will pick up in future books. The trend is more magic…