
Or its really simple, Pete is the only doctor and its the apocalypse so anything goes with ASZ. Not good I know, but that's what Rick and the survivors are there for.

I don't think so. They seem to be setting her up for a leadership role by having her work with Deana and now she has the weight of Father Gabriel's words about the group and she is taking all that in. Rick is going to be Rick and the people will see that he's right once a threat is imminent (at their gates). Bloodshed

Tara, Deana, Pete, Mikey or Sam and Nicholas.

The W is not from the comics, although they might be changing the name of the group in the comics that they could be trying to "remix/portray".

And the W is right side up. Wouldn't make any sense for Morgan to do that.

It would be kinda weird for Morgan to write upside down. The latest and most of the "W" have been right side up. The women tied up to a tree. How would he/ why would he right a M upside down?

Why Noah? He was just used as a catalyst to move the storylines in a direction that sets up Glen, Maggie, Darryl, and Sasha. I'm fine with his death. If your looking for action perhaps watch again, lots of little nuances in the writing that maybe you're not looking at because you're looking for action.