
Which arguably goes to show Boyle was less racist than that cop?

Yeah, it seems the show learns some bad things from other ones.

Nice continuity with him doing the same thing in the one about the fantasy novel series.

I had to see the Evil Lincoln comment here to get it, but I think larkey was considering that the username could have been Affordable Oranges

Yeah, I think the joke with Gina was along the same lines as when the Onion described how to explain 9/11 to children http://www.theonion.com/art…

What she'd kept telling Chidi was "ya boring", in the same style.

I laughed most at Gina's response "You kiss Kevin with that mouth?"

Andy Samberg (and/or the writers) are half-decent explaining the most recent joke in a way that adds rather than subtracts humor.

That's like saying "motherfucker" is an accusation of actual incestuous rape. "The worst" is a simple turn of phrase that doesn't advertise itself as potentially non-hyperbolic.

The best part: Jake's little hurrah for "Togan!"

They'd said he'd been in the wheelchair for "two years"; presumably that came from some evidence the suspect had successfully forged, not just taking his word for it.

i'd love a flashback to Amy having electrically-induced orgasms, as she mentioned in her second ep. It would be a really cheap joke but you know Bialik would sell it perfectly.

In a way, it also demonstrates growth on Howard's part, because he was the one telling Sheldon it was okay to talk, indicating a mutual trust they've developed.