

John Mellencamp, Billy Joel

Paul Simon, Buddy Holly

No, probably in the dung

I was wondering about this the answer has to be Dylan (just happens to be playing), then maybe Stevie Wonder, Elvis, Paul Simon, Buddy Holly

Problem with most of the jazz artists in relation to this questions is they are mostly solo, with the various bands they played with constatnly shifting.

Can Blondie be added a possibility?

We get to blame the Beatles for their destruction of the use of songwriters, since everybody thought they could write their own songs, nobody bought songs somebody else, who were really good but not musicians, wrote.

If you are going that route:
Traffic (playing right now)
Blind Faith
Allman Brothers
Blood Sweat and Tears - ok tired now

Didn't Peter discover feminism already - the episode with the best shot of the serie when Stewie realizes he is sucking on Peter's breast, not Lois?

I wanted to start a comment, but can't. I would have thought Neil Young could have his own list - but just from my collection (of 202 songs), most are between 6-8 minutes except,
Love to Burn 10:00 good song
Love and only Love
Natural Beauty - Harvest Moon -
Change your Mind - Sleeps with Angels
Ther are four songs on

Not Someon, but someone

Someon did mention Thick as a Brick - 43 minutes of gooey fun.

Another honorable mention - Bat Out of Hell - 9:52

Neil Young half the time. Still love his music though

Closer to home comes in at 9:52, I just checked it. Love that song.

Him dropping out of sight in the pit when seen made me laugh since it reminded me of the hermit who hadn't spoken in 17 years in Life of Brian

The part where she decided to give him a chance was when his called Trish buddy or dude and didn't notice her, nice moment.

Like Glen Beck?

You were almost there!