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    I think in context of this review, the sentiment of a "renewed sense of outrage" is more directed towards nations that are looking on in this conflict and letting innocent people die in Syria, or languish in refugee camps rather than make any active effort to try and give them somewhere to escape this conflict.

    Haha the racial implications of this particular movie is probably not that significant an issue, but I think it's fun dissecting all of this now that other people are talking about it and it's not just my friends and me talking about our 'Asian Angst'.

    Constance Wu was born in Virginia, she didn't emigrate anywhere.

    Yes, having Matt Damon in this movie will probably make it a more profitable movie, and I'm sure a lot of Chinese people and people of lots of different will find it entertaining.

    Yeah I know how real life works, and I know that this decision makes sense in a financial way which is obviously how the world operates, and with these blockbuster movies, the main aim is to make a lot of money, secondary aim to make an entertaining movie.

    Not okay, but certainly more understandable for somebody who needs the big pay-cheque to survive (hypothetically) vs somebody established like Matt Damon who can actually afford to have principles.

    Chi Chi's probably just more of a fan of the book than the movie.

    From what I saw of the wounds, Aubrey's was in a relatively low risk area, and given that she felt generally well if I saw her in the emergency department I probably would have sent her home with tablet antibiotics and would probably re-assess if she became unwell or if the infection became worse.

    He's pretty much at the same level as Rodney from the blue collar tribe in my eyes.

    I don't know that I agree with you about "niceness", as there are lots of examples of queens who aren't "nice" but still popular. For example Willam, Raja or Violet even I think are really likeable but not necessarily pleasant.

    I think my personal reaction to Ginger was that she was probably the most consistent performer, but she never did anything that amazed me or that I find memorable now. I can even remember more about Jasmine Masters (and her loaf of bread) than I can about Ginger 12 months down the track.

    Given chlamydia that is caused by bacteria and not a virus, I'm not sure it does. Feel free to change the above to feature any of the numerous viral sexually transmitted diseases, such herpes, HIV or hepatitis B!

    Hey I'm that person who started watching Grey's in its first season when I was 12 years old, and I graduated from med school at the end of last year, which feels so weird. It's pretty impossible to watch it sometimes just because the way the doctors relate to each other feels so wrong when comparing it to real life,

    TV shows have subgenres don't they? Just click on the little subgenres thingy after you select tv shows from the bigger menu.

    His short film though! A masterpiece.

    I don't think it's hoop jumping. I think it's just as plausible that a non-realistic cartoon of a peach-skinned blonde haired blue eyed kid is an Asian looking person with weird hair and eye colour as that he is a white kid living in Japan. I have no problem really with either interpretation, I just don't think that

    Not all Japanese people have light skin. I'm Asian and my skin colour matches Naruto's much more closely than that of Sasuke's or Sakura's, so your 'Naruto's complexion means he is white' rings really false to me. Even if you stick me in a blonde wig and blue contact lenses I'm never going to look 'Aryan'.

    I think using unmates who haven't been seen in the salon before kind of makes sense, in that I think we're supposed to read it as people who have always sort of had some sort of underlying resentment towards Sophia/transphobia, but as long as Sophia was acting sort of like a model minority member they couldn't do much

    I think she told them to cut out his gallbladder.

    Yeah, the Chang flashbacks had so many small annoying inauthenticities that really made them unenjoyable to me.