
It seemed weird Maester what's-his-face was stumped by the question about the longest winter in the last 100 years…and we know the
magic of the Faceless Men can overcome differences in height. OTOH I'm not sure Arya would kill him for a disguise (even though he served Ramsay) or anyone else presently in Winterfell for

I was actually surprised they didn't dial up a little sexual tension with Jon and Dany in that last scene when they are alone together—didn't think the writers could resist a bit of 'har har we know they're related but they sure don't!'

"Brass Bonanza" Although the album cover depicts the I84/I91 interchange found at the center of the city, OK Computer is not in fact the greatest work of music associated with Hartford, Connecticut.

I rarely ever laugh at a facial expression alone but Tony Hale's reaction to Kathrine and Margery was the highlight of a fantastic episode, absolutely killed me.

"Obviously if I had a time machine, I’d kill Hitler first thing"

What bothered me was not only did the Sand Snakes capture the captain of Jamie and Bronn's ship, but they put a spear through his head basically for the crime of…trying to help them? I get that the show is trying to quickly establish how badass these women are, but it didn't seem like Oberyn was the kinda guy who

I think you're onto something, but I think it's that Barristan reveals R+L=J as his dying words (Tyrion not being Tywin's spawn doesn't have any basis in the show world). It seemed really clumsy of the show runner's to let Barristan's death be confirmed in next week's preview—unless he's still got the deathbed scene.

The best version of Perfect is an old live cut I used to have where Billy plays it solo on Howard Stern, and then Howard asks him if it's about his ex-wife, and Billy very weakly and unconvincingly denies it.

Kind of disappointed to find out the episode wasn't titled The Stones and The Pillar…


Prediction: Romney wins.   Suddenly this show is interesting,  You can still do all the Snowden/NSA stuff next year.  Surely I can't be the first person to suggest this.