
The best coach in Canadian Junior Hockey

von Bargen:  "Hello 911?  This is Daniel von Bargen.  I am going to kill myself"
911 operator:  "Hello?  I sorry.  No Here Kruger!"
von Bargen:  "Ya done?"

It was Brad Richards talking.  And after Bryz was confirmed not to be the starter, he said some remark about him that could have been construed as not being very flatering.  Don't think he was referring to any Carter/Richards stuff.

It's weird that "It's weird that Time Warner is still a going concern." is still a growning concern.

The Q sucks…

Can we say he is anymore?  You seemed to have left out his stats for this season.  Also, last season he scored exactly 9 points less than Ovechkin.  That's not a very huge discrepancy, is it? 
Maybe step away from the Stats for a second and watch the guy play.  He was the Flyers best player last year hands down.  This

Giroux is amazing (and i say that begrudgingly as a Rangers fan and I say that with immense pride as I also own him in Fantasy this year), and he's been amazing for 2 years prior to this one already.  he was leading the league in scoring before he got knocked out.  He was/is an MVP candidate for this season.  There is

The Flyers couldn't be any less of a "rebuilding" team.  A rebuilding teams are the oilers and islanders.  Any team who spends to the cap, has superstars like Giroux and Pronger and are atop the eastern conference for the second year in a row is not a rebuilding team.  Please, AVclub, sports is not your thing.

In a world where HBO has 3 ratings giants like True Blood, Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones, they can afford to take risks on other shows.  As long as HBO has at least one show that people will keep their suscription for no matter what, like they did when Sopranos was still around, then shows like bored to death,

Surprised you didn't bring up the fact that Andy's parents actually showed up in an earlier episode, the one where he proposes to Angela at Toby's going away party.  They didn't have any lines, but both seemed both really proud of Andy and happy that he was getting engaged.

Bill Murray
I know you guys - you're trouble makers.
You're GZA, the genuis
and you're RZA, aka
Bobby Digital

Migrant - I was born in 83 and Street Fighter was all I played. I have cousins there were born even later in the 80s and they played it all the time as well. where did you grow up because I highly doubt that 1 year difference in our birth years would cause such a disparity.

I read that title really fast and thought it said:
"Jolly Good Pussy"

Been trying to figure that out for the last 5 years myself


My Friend's Dad
Plays OT in this movie
OT is the best character in this movie
and if you are in NY and see Steve Basset you should mention this movie to him because he loves it

No reason for this game to recieve as high a grade as it did seeing that about 25% of the game was cut out from the original japanese version.

you're gonna need an HDD transfer cable, buy a new 360, transfer your saves and then return the old one.

fuck you, white bitch.

Also Voice of Reason, these kids are from Staten Island mostly, which is a stones throw away from Manhattan, it's not like they are living in the stix with nothing to do.