
agreed! i never got why that was cool.

yes, you're both right

Yeah, I'm a bit baffled too. It's not so much that I think her decision is wrong in moral terms but that I do think she gets attached to people/set-ups.  I guess we're supposed to see her as someone who makes impulsive decisions when the situation becomes unbearable? Even admitting that she can make rash decisions (or

Am I the only one who is worried about Cary and Alicia? (As much as you can be about fictional characters).

Yes, I totally agree. That he won by a fairly wide margin only makes it more tragic (insofar as Peter selling out can be called tragic, rather than predictable).

I'm wondering where her acceptance of Peter's proposal fits into the character puzzle. I guess we'll see where they decide to take things in tonight's episode, but for now I don't know how to interpret her jump from keeping Peter at bay to going to bat for him in such a decisive manner and agreeing to the vow renewal.

Yes yes yes!  Totally agree.  Beyond the show's own lack of interest in policy, I was annoyed by Frank's apparent lack of agenda beyond achieving more power.