
I love to read your reviews, because I feel like you get what Scandal is trying to do. It's not trying to be Mad Men. It's trying to be fast-paced entertainment with crazy plots elevated by some decent acting (Jeff Perry in particular).

Another great review — I was so pleased to see this show also get a For Our Consideration piece. Barrowman was an interesting casting choice — since Shonda likes to ape Sorkin-ese, it made me want to see Matthew Perry in that role (though I know he's on a different show).

Great review — it explains why it felt like two shows last night, except the mole investigation seemed more case-of-the-week. The Olitz subplot felt like the Grey's Anatomy season 2 finale Derek/Meredith prom sex, and Mellie just pinned Fitz's panties to the hospital billboard. I have no idea where they're going with

Great review! I don't see an Emmy nomination in Guillermo Diaz's future, but he did a fine job and carried the hour effectively. Please keep reviewing this show!

One of these days my comment will be more substantial than "Great review, please keep reviewing this show!" but at this low comment count…that will have to suffice. (but really, great review. I love that people are now unapologetically enjoying this show.)

Another lurker here to add my support for weekly Scandal recaps! Though my vote for best Cyrus line would be "I am once again seated at the right hand of the father." So clever, and the delivery just made the line. If there were any justice in this Emmy world, both Jeff Perry and Bellamy Young would have Emmy nods for